Thursday, October 4, 2007

*dances, sings*

Oh, I had a generally lovely day!!!

I gave a lovely guitar lesson this morning with my new guitar. My student is not as advanced as I thought she was- I think her previous teacher didn't know what they were doing- but she's an awesome girl and I'm excited to see what we can accomplish. I need to get a beginner guitar book, and fast . . . . but that will be all good.

I then gave a double clarinet lesson to two boys. One had a lesson last week, and the other was just starting today. I miss my clarinet, but it's not logical for my mom to bring it here- it's big and there are other things I'm making her bring me! I got really good sounds out of both of them, and we got to playing and I think they're getting it. They're having a bit of issues with reading the notes, but not too bad.

Again, I do not understand AT ALL the logic in NOT teaching students elementary note reading. They don't have to learn how to read something nasty with 32nd notes and chords, but they need to know the notes on the staff, and what a quarter note is, and what an eighth note is. Whoops, sorry, a minim and a quaver.

Choir was lovely, I'm doing Once Upon A December with them- I may not be in Ripon, but the spirit of the Choraliers is alive and well here! And the girls really like the song, so hooray. And they're getting the harmony!! We got through the entire song today- it took them two days. It's still a long way off from being performance ready, but they're doing great.

I'm also happy because my weekend just got a lot easier. I have to get another visa soon, as mine expires on the 12th. I don't want to miss school again to do it, so that leaves the weekend. I thought I could only go on Saturday. One of the ESL teachers here, her birthday was the other day, and she's having a party on Saturday night. Going to Cambodia all day on a bus, and then going to a party was not my idea of fun. But I can go on Sunday now, so that's perfect! The party has a masquerade theme, so I'm going to do a little shopping. It's hard to come up with a costume without A. the Goodwill and B. my closet. :D

Girls want voice lessons. Hooray- I'm more than happy to give them! I'm really really enjoying the year 13s, and the boarding students in my choir. Some of the younger ones are really awesome as well.

I need to email my mother- and tell her to bring more of my music books! They don't have much here, and I need SOMETHING to have them sing if they're doing voice lessons.

Dinner is calling to me . . . .

I have Heroes to watch tonight, and episode 3 of Sarah Jane . . . it's almost the weekend . . . the kids aren't looking at me like I have two heads anymore . . . well, at least not most of the time. :D Life is good.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I'm doing this correctly or not? Not even knowing how to text and all loved your site talk with your mom sending my love across the sea! Jess has alittle bump already doing fine tyler is Tyler love you aunt Viki

Josh said...

I miss the Doctor...I miss Captain Jack (oh do I ever miss Captain Jack)...and I miss Sarah Jane...

I think I am having a Rusty & Co withdrawl...

Anonymous said...

Glad you are doing well and enjoying life...I understand that visas can be problematic...