Wednesday, October 3, 2007


We've been doing elementary notespelling and such with the KS3 kids for the last month. Since school has started.

I gave them a quiz today- note naming "what is this note" and rhythms "how many beats does this note get'. Simple.

I had no less than 5 kids answer a "what is this note" question with 'H'. H! I kid you not!

I'd like to know how one plays an H on a piano. I think you have to be inside the piano with the strings, perhaps. Or maybe in the Twilight Zone. :D


Josh said...

H!? I think i hit that note once on the baritone...

L. said...

we-ll....if you want to get technical H is actual B-natural. at least it used to be. i have version of the WTC that has a Prelude and Fugue in H and I was really confused so I asked someone- either Mom or my old piano teacher and they said that H used to be B-natural while just plain B was B-flat (or maybe it was vice versa)....but I'm thinking that the kid who answered H didn't know that. :)