Thursday, November 22, 2007

ok, I just had to stop and post this

Because I'm kinda flabbergasted.

I taught a lesson yesterday, and just got the feedback. Gareth, the one Brit in our department, talked things over with me. My content was good, my homework was awesome, but he didn't like my in-class activities.

Now, I was doing a basic outline of the subject, the history, on the board before we went into depth on the actual music. I told them to take notes on what was on the board, for about 15 minutes of class. And he said I can't do that. I have to give them a worksheet or tell them exactly what to write.

Because students aren't taught to take notes. At least, not until they get into A-level material. When they're 16 or 17!

I remember learning how to take basic notes when I was ten, and then going on from there. You read the text, you take notes. They teach you how to do it. By the time you hit high school, you should know how to take notes in class, and take notes from reading. These kids can't do that at all. They won't even copy down the bullet points from the board unless you specifically tell them, write this like this.

I need to stop assuming things. Assuming they have the same basic skills. Assuming they have any basic knowledge about anything. Because assume makes an ass out of you and me.

EDIT: I caught the deputy heads, curriculum and pastoral, at lunch. They confimed what Gareth said- it's not taught, unless the teacher decides to take it on themselves. And teachers don't. They go, you can teach a lesson on note-taking if you want! No, I do not want! I want to be teaching them the content I want them to take notes on!

I guess I'm making worksheets. Fun.

I had the MOST AWESOME lesson with Richard's year 8s today. SO AWESOME. And then Martyn sees me at lunch, says that he was going to come observe me at 11:30 but something came up. Nooooo!!! It was such a good lesson!! He has to observe me before Cooper gets here, and now he's going to come to see a class that won't be nearly that awesome. Arg.


Josh said...

Umm...we had note taking lessons in the second to summarize the definition of a word in your own words...



Josh said...

And after I posted that, I think I may have posted about this before...maybe I have gone crazy...

Anonymous said...

Well said.